IMPORTANT NOTICE: We will be closing early at 4pm on March 31st and will reopen at 8am on April 1st.

VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE! Shop for your pet from the comfort of your own home.


As a new client of our practice, you can expect our full attention to your pets’ needs. Our service will be provided with courtesy and respect.

When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly, and we will usher you into an examination room as soon as we have one available. Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

You will normally see a dedicated patient representative first who will take a history, and gather some data for the doctor. A veterinarian will see you next, examine your pet, answer your questions and plan further diagnostics or treatment as necessary. After, you will see the patient representative again to wrap things up, and they will provide you with further educational information and answer routine wellness and care questions for you. Our client care specialists will handle billing and schedule any needed follow up.

We are excited to meet you and your pets!

Meet The Team

Dr. Alex Folosea

Dr. Alex Folosea

Dr. Alex Folosea HBSc, DVM, Owner
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Dr. Debbie Kilburn

Dr. Debbie Kilburn

Dr. Debbie Kilburn DVM, Owner
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Dr. Kim Buchanan

Dr. Kim Buchanan

Dr. Kim Buchanan HBSc, HBHSc, DVM, Owner
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Dr. Jessica Krayz

Dr. Jessica Krayz

Dr. Jessica Krayz DVM
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Dr. Randy Do

Dr. Randy Do

Dr. Randy Do DVM
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